Mumbai: Bollywood actress Rakul Preet Singh has been summoned by the Enforcement Directorate in the drugs and money laundering case. According to media reports, summons have been sent to the actress in two different cases. In this case, officials say that Rakul Preet has been summoned by the Enforcement Directorate in the drugs and money laundering case. It is also reported that the agency had earlier questioned other members of the Telugu film industry in this matter.

In 2017, several film stars were booked under the NDPS Act for their links to drug suppliers in the Tollywood industry. A Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been formed to investigate the drug case. In the year 2017, from 31st August to 22nd September, the film celebrities were interrogated. Puri Jagannath, Rana Daggubati, Charmy, Rakul Preet Singh, Mumait Khan, Nandu, Tanish, Navadeep, and others have received notices in the money laundering case.

Meanwhile, Mumbai Narcotic Control Bureau officials have issued a notice to Rakul Preet Singh in connection with the investigation of the drug case related to the death of Sushant Singh. So she appeared before the NCB officials on 25th September 2020. It is known that Rakul was interrogated for a long time in this case. It is known that along with Rakul, Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan, Shraddha Kapoor, and others also attended the hearing.

But since then till now, there is no record of Rakul Preet Singh being called for an investigation. Recently, the ED officials issued a notice to Rakul Preet Singh to attend the hearing on December 19. However, there are political reasons behind the ED ordering only Rakul Preet Singh to attend the hearing without issuing notices to other film celebrities, sources say. But Rakul Preet Singh did not make any statement about these notices as yet.