Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh: In view of the increasing incidents of love jihad in MP, the state government has become serious to control such instances. The government is considering making such rules to prevent incidents of love jihad so that marriages done through fake documents can be banned. State Home Minister Dr. Narottam Mishra has given indications to bring this into effect as soon as possible.

Home Minister Narottam said that in order to prevent incidents like love jihad, it will be made mandatory for marriage institutions to conduct police verification of the boy and the girl before they can tie the knot. Under this regulation, the registrar marriage bureau, notary, and other marriage conducting institutions will have to inform the police when any such case of marriage registration comes to them. 

If they fail to do so, actions will be taken against them as well. It is expected that with this regulation, the marriages that are taking place with the help of fake documents will be banned in the state and the issue of love jihad will be controlled as well. Further updates on the implementation of the regulation are awaited by the ministry officials.