BEIJING: In a major shift on Wednesday, China’s national health authority eased COVID curbs allowing those presenting mild symptoms to self-quarantine at home, the strongest sign so far that the nation is preparing to live with the virus.

Most of the cases are asymptomatic infections and mild cases, with no special treatment required, the National Health Commission said in a statement.

“Asymptomatic persons and mild cases can be isolated at home while strengthening health monitoring, and they can transfer to designated hospitals for treatment in a timely manner if their condition worsens,” the NHC said.

Other measures the country added include accelerating vaccination among the elderly and forbidding local officials to designate large areas, like entire housing compounds, as high-risk. The new list of 10 adds to a first round of easing a month ago in the form of 20 measures that were imposed to refine Covid control.

Protests spurred by China’s rigid Covid Regime in several counties in the past weeks. Residents expressed discontentment with Covid Zero policy imposed which includes widespread testing and sweeping lockdowns, which have been championed by the government throughout the pandemic.