Mumbai: Bollywood actor Paresh Rawal is in the headlines these days for one of his controversial statements. The actor was campaigning for the Bharatiya Janata Party in the Gujarat elections and during that time he made a remark about Bengalis, after which he has been embroiled in controversies. The actor has also apologized for his statement, but now a complaint has been filed against him. Mohammad Salim, leader of the Communist Party of India-Marxist in West Bengal, has filed a complaint against the actor at Taltala police station.

CPI(M) leader Mohd Salim in his complaint to the police said that he had seen the video of Paresh Rawal’s speech on several social media platforms. He accused Paresh Rawal of spreading riots through his speech on a public platform. At the same time, he also accused the veteran actor of spoiling the harmony between the people of Bengali and other communities across the country. “A large number of Bengalis reside outside the limits of the state. I apprehend many of them will be prejudicially targeted and affected because of the vicious remarks made by Paresh Rawal,” he said in his letter to the police.

Further, Mohammad Salim said that the way Paresh Rawal has raised the issue of Bengalis, it seems that all Bengalis in the country are Rohingyas or Bangladeshis.

Paresh Rawal had given a statement linking expensive gas cylinders with Bengalis during the Gujarat election campaign, after which he was facing criticism. He had said that gas cylinders are expensive, but their prices will come down. “People will get employment, but what will happen when Rohingya refugees and Bangladeshis start living near you like in Delhi. What will you do with the gas cylinder? Will you cook fish for the Bengalis?”, he said during the campaign.