Assam: AIUDF President and MP Badruddin Ajmal has once again given a controversial statement. This time he supported the marriage of girls at a young age and said that Hindus should get their girls married in 18-20 years and they should follow the same Muslim formula. 

“Muslim men marry at the age of 20-22, and Muslim women also marry at 18 after the permissible age by the government. On the other hand, (Hindus) keep one two, or three illegal wives before marriage, they don’t give birth to babies, enjoy themselves, and save money. They (Hindus) should also follow adopt the formula of Muslims and get their children married at a young age, get them married at the age of 20-22, get the girls married at 18-20 years, and then see how many children are born”, he said.

Keeping his point on population growth, Maulana Badruddin Ajmal further said “ After the age of 40 they get married under parental pressure. So, how can one expect that they will bear children after 40? If you sow in fertile land then only you can bear good crops. There will then be growth.”

The AIUDF president visited a program in Karimganj, Assam, where he made these statements. He also said that the Karnataka Waqf Board is planning to open 10 colleges for Muslim girls. He said he would appeal to them to admit Hindu girls as well because he wants all girls to be educated.

Soon after this comment, BJP retaliated against it. Assam BJP MLA D Kalita said, “You are Muslim and we are Hindus. Do we want to learn from you? It is the land of Lord Rama and Goddess Sita. There is no place for Bangladeshis here. We do not need to learn from Muslims.”

The comments by the AIUDF chief and the opposition have sparked controversy all over the country again and the Hindu-Muslim political fiasco has deepened further.