Baghdad: Abu al-Hasan al-Hashmi al-Qureshi, the leader of the world’s infamous terrorist organization Islamic State of Iraq and Syria i.e., ISIS, has been killed. Giving information about this in an audio message on Wednesday, the Islamic State jihadist group said that their leader was killed during a battle. 

A spokesman for the Islamic State said Hashimi, an Iraqi, was killed “in fighting with the enemies of Allah”. He also immediately declared him as the successor (khalifa). The spokesman also named Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qureshi as the new leader of the organization However, no information has been given about when and how Abu al-Hasan al-Hashmi al-Qureshi died.

Apparently, Al-Qureshi is the second leader of this group to be killed this year and this is a big blow for this group. Earlier IS founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed in an attack in the northwest in October 2019. Prior to Abu Hasan al-Hashimi, the former head of ISIS was killed in a US strike in February. The Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization confirmed for the first time in March that its leader was killed in a US strike in northwestern Syria last month. After this, IS announced the name of Abu Hasan al-Hashimi as its new chief.

There is no clear information about how al-Qureshi died, nor has anyone taken responsibility for his death. According to the information received there, IS is in the process of carrying out deadly attacks in parts of Syria and Iraq. In the year 2014, ISIS had occupied a large scale in Iraq and Syria but gradually their supremacy decreased. It was defeated in Iraq in 2017 and in Syria two years later, but the Sunni Muslim extremist group claims attacks around the world and sleeper cells are active in several countries.