Java, Indonesia: Residents of the Indonesian Island Java faced a shattering 5.6 magnitude earthquake on Monday. The death toll from the earthquake has risen to 56 till the time of publication of this article and the number of people injured in the earthquake is over 700, as per local media reports. The frequent earthquakes in the Indonesian lands keep returning panic of tremors among its citizens. 

The earthquake struck at 1:21 pm local time in Jakarta. Its epicenter was 10 km southwest of Cianjur District, West Java Province, and its depth was 10 km from the surface. However, it has been reported that there is no danger of a tsunami from this earthquake. Cianjur administration spokesperson Adam said, “There have been dozens of people killed. Hundreds, even maybe thousands of houses are damaged.”

Cianjur police chief, Doni Hermawan informed a leading daily about the rescue operation. He said, “We managed to evacuate a woman and a baby alive, but the other one passed away. That’s the only thing I can share for now.”

Several videos from the affected areas have surfaced on social media showing tremors and damages caused by the earthquake. This is not the first time that Indonesia is experiencing such earthquakes. The country is used to such earthquakes more often. One such big earthquake of 6.2 magnitude hit Sulawesi Island back in January 2021 that killed more than 100 people. The rescue operation for the earthquake in Java is still on and the authorities fear more casualties with the passing of time.