Hyderabad: A case of assault and ragging in a Hyderabad college hostel came up a few days back when the video of the incident surfaced on social media. The incident occurred on November 1 when some students raged into the room of another student in the hostel and allegedly beat him up. Soon after the video went viral, some social media ‘stalwarts’ even tried to paint it with a communal color as some students were seen chanting religious slogans. 

Meanwhile, the victim registered a case against the assaulters under the ragging act and slapped them with other relevant charges. However, 8 students were arrested related to the case, no action was taken against the authorities of the business school whose students were part of the ragging in the hostel. But now, it seems the matter has picked up the police’s attention and 9 staff members have been summoned due to inaction in their response to the incident. 

All the members belong to the business school’s administration department. In the video that has gone viral, many students were seen assaulting the victim. Some were heard saying, “We want to fix his ideology. We will beat him into coma and he will remember a whole new world”, while some other was heard saying, “On the first day everybody told you not to discriminate north Indian-south Indian. Again, you are discriminating.” 

The matter has escalated rapidly and has also garnered political intervention. The BJP leader Rachana Reddy targeted the Telangana government and said, “It is not about religion here. It is pseudo-secularism where such provocative incidents go unnoticed.” The college, though, has issued a statement saying they have “zero tolerance towards such undesirable acts” and have also decided to suspend all 12 students involved in the case.