The international issue of the border boundaries between India-China has accentuated the tension between the two countries. Amidst the tension, The President of the USA, Donald Trump stated that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not in a good mood over the “big conflict” between two nations.

As per the report, President Trump said “We have a big conflict going on between India & China, 2 countries with 1.4 billion people & very powerful militaries. India is not happy & probably China is not happy, I did speak to PM Modi, he is not in a good mood about what’s going on with China”.

On questioning in the Oval Office in White House, the President said to a reporter that he was “willing to mediate between the two nations”. He also claimed that PM Modi is a man with high moral grounds who is respected and well mannered. 

Trump took Twitter to announce that he was ready to offer help to mediate between India and China. To this, the spokesperson of the External Affairs Ministry, Anurag Srivastava said that both the countries (India and China) are engaged in peaceful cooperation to resolve the conflict. Both nations are reluctant to need help from the US President. 

Additionally, China was suspicious of the USA’s offer of helping them out. The spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijian said that both the countries are well equipped and have a good source of communication to resolve the issue through dialogues and consultation. 

As per the sources, Trump’s offer came exactly on the day when the peace was restored in both the boundaries. Previously, Trump has offered to mediate between India and Pakistan but the offer was rejected by New Delhi.

Over the last two weeks, India and Chinese troops have clashed near the Line of control. The amid tension is due to the higher footprint of Chinese troops in the Ladakh region where the actual line of control is determined but china is pushing towards more and more Indian side.This caused rise in the tension among nuclear neighbors.