Bengaluru: On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Bengaluru to flag off several projects in the city. He has unveiled South India’s first Vande Bharat Express and has also inaugurated a new terminal at the Kempegowda International airport. To curb the traffic nuances ahead of the PM’s visit to the city which already has major traffic issues, several guidelines were imposed on its busy roads. The traffic guidelines were removed after the PM touched down in the city and reached his destination. He has also unveiled a 108 feet long bronze statue of Nadaprabhu Kempegowda who is known as the founder of the city of Bengaluru. 

Since his visit to the city, the PM has been constantly updating about his work towards the betterment of the city and all his other activities on his social media handle. In a tweet about the consistent road jams of Bengaluru and the need for a 2nd terminal at the airport, PM Modi wrote, “Terminal 2 of the Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru will add capacity and further convenience. It is a part of our efforts aimed at providing top class infrastructure to our urban centres. The Terminal is beautiful and passenger friendly! Glad to have inaugurated it.” He also shared pictures of the new terminal of the airport.

In another tweet, he said, “I am happy to have come to Karnataka on the special day of Sri Kanakadasa and Onake Obavva’s Jayanti. The development projects inaugurated today will greatly improve Bangalore’s urban infrastructure.” It is expected that the Prime Minister has visited Bengaluru for unveiling quite a few projects that will help in the prosperity of the country’s IT hub abundantly. More information on his schedule is awaited.