USA: After Twitter and Meta announced the mass layoff of employees, another tech giant Amazon has joined hands with them and announced the sacking of employees soon! In a bid to manage losses and make the team more efficient, such decisions are taken by the tech giants to reduce manpower. As per reports, Amazon.Com is reviewing its unprofitable businesses and making amends to cut costs and deploy more teams to profitable areas. 

Amazon has asked its employees to look for a job change as they are planning for a mass layoff soon. One of the primary focuses of the tech giant Amazon is its voice assistant service, Alexa. They are looking for opportunities to add more features to it and make it more user-friendly. This came after the Alexa unit reported a loss of around $5 billion in a year. 

Amazon’s spokesperson, Brad Glasser said, “We’re of course taking into account the current macro-environment and considering opportunities to optimize costs.” Earlier, in a blog post, the senior vice president of People Experience and Technology at Amazon, Beth Galetti had said, “We anticipate keeping this pause in place for the next few months, and will continue to monitor what we’re seeing in the economy and the business to adjust as we think makes sense.”

One of the world’s largest tech giants, Amazon has taken the decision to join hands with rivals Meta and Twitter to adjust to the sharp slowdown of the e-commerce industry in the last few years. Amazon has seen the slowest revenue growth of late and it has impacted its decision to lay off employees and limit the workforce to yield better outcomes.