Mumbai: Bollywood’s Brahmastra couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor welcomed their daughter on Sunday afternoon. Reports suggested that the actress had a C-Section. Now, the couple has been seen leaving the hospital with their baby girl early this morning today. As Ranbir is not on social media platforms, he could not share the news of their daughter’s birth. But new mom Alia took to her social media handles and shared the news of the arrival of their “magical girl” in the world. 

Taking to her Instagram, Alia posted a picture of a Lion couple with a cub and wrote, “And in the best news of our lives:- Our baby is here…and what a magical girl she is. We are officially bursting with love – Blessed and obsessed PARENTS!!!! Love love love Alia and Ranbir.” Soon after the announcement, her Post’s comment section got flooded with congratulatory messages from around the world. Alia’s mother Soni Razdan also shared the news on her Instagram feed. 

Both Alia and Ranbir were seen hustling to the Sir HN Reliance Hospital on Sunday Morning. The fans and media were left in a frenzy thinking about what happened. But the news of the arrival of their baby girl at around 12.05 pm brought joy to the curious fans and the media fraternity. Earlier Alia Bhatt kept posting about her pregnancy journey on her social media platforms. 

She also launched her own maternity brand EdaMama to bring comfort to pregnant women around the world. Ranbir and Alia got married at a very close ceremony on April 14 this year and now they are the proud parents of their baby girl. Their last film Brahmastra did fairly well at the Box Office and both of them have some interesting lineup of movies in the upcoming months.