Afghanistan: Afghanistan’s independent media houses have been shattered since last year after the Taliban took over the country. Many journalists, reporters, media houses, etc. became jobless after the Taliban rampage and many of them have also appealed to leave the country in a fury. 

A recent survey conducted by “Reporters Without Borders and the Afghan Independent Journalist Association” suggests that more than 200 media outlets have been closed since December last year which has made almost 6400 journalists jobless. 

While most of the media professionals could not get accustomed to the new diaspora of media reporting as per the Taliban rule, a majority of them preferred to move to nearby countries or western countries to continue with their profession. Though it is not too long since the Taliban has taken over Afghanistan, it is yet to be seen how the media operates in the country in the years to come. 

Popular Afghan media house, Diaspora Network has reported that while most media houses are trying to get accustomed to the new changes, Pakistan it seems has taken this as an opportunity to manipulate the Afghan Media and improve its image in front of the world. 

It is also reported by some journalists that some Pakistan agencies might be backing up the Afghan Media houses to gain positive coverage all over the world. Not only that but it is also reported that these agencies are training professionals with fully funded courses and also focusing on female journalists for the role. It can only be seen in the coming times how the media houses in Afghanistan operate following the path of Pakistan.