New York: Shortly after Kremlin officially took over four regions in Ukraine, India abstained from voting against Russia as the UNSC condemned the annexation. Besides India, China, Gabon and Brazil also abstained from voting in favour of the resoltuon. NMeanwhile, Ukraine President Zelensky flagged the annexation illegal.

India’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ruchira Kamboj, said on Friday that India is deeply disturbed by the recent turn of developments in Ukraine and asserted that dialogue is the only answer to settle differences and disputes after it abstained in the UN Security Council vote.

Explaining the vote, Kamboj urged that all efforts are made by the concerned sides for the immediate cessation of violence and said that dialogue is the only answer to settling differences and disputes.

“India’s position has been clear and consistent from the very beginning of this conflict. The global order is anchored on principles of the UN Charter, international law and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states,” the UN envoy added.

The 15-nation UN Council on Friday voted to condemned Russia’s “illegal referenda” and annexation of Ukrainian regions, calling for an immediate cessation of violence. It agreeed to US and Albania who tabled resolutions condemning referendums in Ukraine.