Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira got engaged recently and she shared a video from her big moment on social media. In the video, Nupur Shikhare, her long time boy friend can be seen proposing to Ira. She captioned the video: “Popeye: She said yes. Ira: Hehe I said yes.”.”

In the clip, Ira is seen standing in the audience along with other people. Nupur walks towards her, kisses her cutely before surprising her by going down on his knees. He then asks her, “Will you marry me?” To this, Ira happily takes the mic and replies, “Yes.” The couple kisses again while other cheer and clap.

Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare, who got into a relationship in 2020, have been making headlines for impeccable chemistry. Ira often floods our social media feeds with mushy pictures featuring herself and her boyfriend. Ira Khan is Aamir Khan’s daughter from his first wife, producer Reena Dutta. The couple is also parents to Junaid Khan.