Raipur: In a major breakthrough, the Raipur Police nabbed 23 online bookmakers who were involved in betting and gambling. While betting in India is still considered illegal, two portals run as Mahadev Online Booking App and Reddy Online Booking website flashed legal information with the timely flashing of bets in surrogate advertising.
The police confirmed the major achievement at a press conference which was addressed by Additional SP Paschim Dev Charan Patel, and SP Crime Abhishek Maheswari. Speaking about the seizure from the arrest, they disclosed that goods worth Rs 10,80,510 were recovered from their possession. Items like laptops, calculators, passbooks mobiles and cash of Rs 73,510 has been seized from 23 bookies.
A case has been registered against the accused under sections 465/22 and 467/22 of Section 4(a) of the Gambling Act at the DD Nagar PS. There are no minors involved in the crime. It added that all accused arrested were male adults between 19-40years of age.
The arrest was sought under the anti-gambling operation initiated by SP Prashant Agarwal. Station in charges, Crime branch officers and gazetted officers of Raipur police have been included in the team.