Ukraine: The United Nations (UN) food chief, David Beasley, warned on Thursday that the world is facing ‘a global emergency of unprecedented magnitude’, with up to 345 million people marching towards starvation. He further added that the agency is now working in 82 countries, where food insecurity has more than doubled ever since the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020.

The Security Council is focusing on conflict-induced food insecurity. Despite an agreement made in July allowing Ukrainian grain to be shipped from three Black Sea ports, there is a real and dangerous risk of multiple famines this year. It is anticipated that in 2023, the current food price crisis could develop into a food availability crisis.

The UN chief also stated that 70 million people have been pushed closer to starvation by the Ukraine war. Meanwhile, President Zelensky said Ukrainian authorities have found a mass burial site near a recently recaptured northeastern city, previously occupied by Russia. Mr. Zelensky has insisted his allies to provide more weapons and close the sky with Western-supplied air defence systems. The European Union Parliament has completed the drawn-out process of approving a 5 billion Euro preferential loan to Ukraine.