Gariyaband, CG: Acting on the information received bt the National Crime Records Bureau, the Chhura police station on Saturday evening nabbed a man in Chhattisgarh’s Gariyaband district for sharing child pornography videos.

The accused Ujjwal Chandrakar is the cousin of Chhura Nagar Panchayat President Khoman Chandrakar. It is reported that he used to make videos of child pornography viral on social media continuously.

Probe revealed several obscene and objectionable videos were shared from the mobile data of the phone. The police have registered an offence under sections 67 (b) and 294 of the IT Act.

Porn film making, making or watching child pornography all comes under section 67 (a) of IT Act 2008 and section 292, 293, 294, 500, 506, and 509 of IPC. The first offence under the law can be punished with imprisonment of up to 5 years and a fine of Rs one lakh.