Washington: Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, has stated that the US simply cannot allow China to create a “new normal” in which pressure is applied to Taiwan through the kinds of military exercises and warplanes incursions that Beijing began after she visited the independent island.

“What we observed in China was that they were attempting to create a new normal. We simply cannot allow that to occur ” Pelosi highlighted the provocative drills at a press conference on Wednesday. Numerous navy ships, including an aircraft carrier group with a nuclear submarine in tow, and hundreds of bombers participated in the Chinese military drills, which took place in the bustling Taiwan Strait despite claims by the official media that such war games will become the new normal.

China declared on Wednesday that its week-long, unprecedented military exercises that have practically surrounded Taiwan had been “successfully finished.” The drills came in the backdrop of the highest-ranking US official visiting Taiwan in 25 years. The People’s Liberation Army announced the war games in the bustling Taiwan Strait from August 4 to 7 after Pelosi left Taipei after the high-level meetings. Later, it continued to extend them, keeping the breakaway island on edge. 

“We weren’t there to discuss China, after all. We visited in order to praise Taiwan. And we travelled there to express our friendship and to declare that China cannot isolate Taiwan.” After returning from her vacation to Asia, Pelosi asserted in a news conference on Wednesday. According to Pelosi, “the visit made it very apparent that America’s commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific is unwavering.