New Delhi: Days after the ED questioned Congress interim chief Sonia Gandhi in alleged money laundering related to the National Herald newspaper, the probe agency raided around12 locations. Offices under the aegis of Associated Journals Limited in Delhi and the National Herald office in Delhi have been searched sources from the agency said.

The case pertains to money laundering by the Congress leaders. In 2102, BJP and adv Subramanium Swamy filed a complaint before a trial court alleging that some Congress leaders were involved in cheating and breach of trust in the acquisition of Associated Journals Ltd by Young Indian Ltd (YIL). He alleged that YIL had ‘taken over’ the assets of the National Herald in a ‘malicious’ way.

Following this, ED summoned Congress’s top brass for questioning. Former President Rahul Gandhi who is a share holder in the financial transactions of AJL and YIL, was questioned for over 5 days. While Sonia Gandhi was called for last month thrice to the ED office. After being questioned for around 12 hours the senior Congress leader was not issued any fresh summons.

ED alleged that Gandhis with the Young Indians took over Rs 800 crore assets of AJIL. According to the IT dept, the Gandh Scions are liable for tax. TO which the party asserts that Young India is a not-for-profit company and so there can be no question of money laundering.