New Delhi: Speaking on surging prices at Lok Sabha today, Finance Minister Sitharaman highlighted that Global agencies have tanked India’s economy high. The finance minister said that the entire world is reeling from the Covid pandemic and war, yet India’s economy has performed well despite humongous challenges.

She asserted how India recovered admirably from all the challenges and managed to stabilize its economy. She further cited International Monetary Fund (IMF) data and said that the country is in a far better position than its peers.

Speaking on inflation she assured that the centre is working on it and would reduce it below the existing 7 per cent.

“It was actually a discussion on a political topic rather than a data-driven discussion. Around 30 MPs talked about the price rise today. Most raised political angles rather than data-driven concerns,” FM Sitharaman said interacting with the press on her talks in Lok Sabha.

Earlier during the day, proceedings of both the houses were adjourned until 2 pm following which Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla revoked the suspension of Congress MPs.