Raipur: Employees of the MNREGA have been protesting in the capital of the state, Raipur demanding an immediate release of their salary dues.

As per the source, the protests have been called in view of the ir-responsiveness of the state govt to release the salary for a year. Around 33,000 employees who have staged a protest have warned the Baghel administration of an indefinite strike if their demands were not fulfilled in ten days.

State President of CG Social Audit, Kiran Pradhan in a media interaction stated that the salary of DSAF<BSAF and DEF along with the honorarium of SHG, VRP, and VSA amongst several other hasn’t been released for a period of nine months to a year. He is irked that the state govt claims the failure of disbursal is from the centre’s end. He further stated that the association had submitted another memorandum today demanding an immediate response.