New Delhi: Alleging lapses in the excise policy, Delhi LG VK Saxena has called for a CBI probe, officials said on Friday. The CBI inquiry was recommended on Delhi Chief Secretary’s report filed earlier this month, showing prima facie violations of GNCTD Act 1991, Transaction of Business Rules (ToBR)-1993, Delhi Excise Act-2009 and Delhi Excise Rules-2010, they added.

Officials in the know also stated that there were “deliberate and gross procedural lapses” to provide post tender “undue benefits to liquor licensees”.

Under the new Excise policy implemented from November 17 2021, retail licences were given to private bidders for 849 vends across the city divided into 32 zones. Strongholds, Congress and BJP had vociferously opposed the policy and filed complaints with the LG as well as central agencies for a probe into it.