Gujarat: Special Investigation Team of the Gujarat Police on Saturday reportedly told a court that late Congress Leader Ahmed Patel conspired against Narendra Modi in 2002 Gujarat riots case. The probe team in its statement said that arrested activist Teesta Setalvad along with the Congress leader plotted against the then Chief Minister of Gujarat. The Congress party, however strongly opposed the statements of SIT, claiming that everything is being done to absolve Mr. Modi of his responsibility for the communal clashes in 2002 Gujarat riots.

The Gujarat Police Panel said that the prime motive of arrested activist along with two IPS officers was to destabilize the elected Government in 2002. She was illegaly funded by a political party for defaming the Chief Minister of communal charges. The team further alleged that Rs. 30 Lakhs was passed to Setalvad in relation to the conspiracy framed. The arrested activist was eyeing a Rajya Sabha seat through a National party assistance.

Meanwhile, the Grand Old Party of India slammed the SIT allegations, saying that a leader who is no more is being targeted due to political adversities. Ahmed Patel’s daughter also opposed the allegations saying that the arrested activist neither got a Rajya Sabha seat nor rewarded in any manner.