Colombia: Sri Lanka is facing perhaps the biggest challenge in its history in both political and economic aspects. Due to political imbalance and continuous violent protests, the country on Wednesday declared a state of emergency. The President of Sri Lanka has left the country and allegedly ‘flew away’ to Maldives, two days after millions were found at his official residence when the protestors invaded his mansion.

After this incident, the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Ranil Wickremesinghe is now the acting President of the country. In a televised statement, the acting President ordered the military and police to do anything it takes to bring the situation back to normal in the country. Ranil’s official residence was also attacked by protestors after which he was compelled to leave his place. He also alleged that the demonstrators want to stop him from discharging his responsibilities as acting President. He also assured that the fascists can take over the country in no possible situation.

Fresh protests erupted in Colombo today where PM’s office was attacked and the protestors were seen damaging public properties in different videos. To curb the situation, police and security personnel are doing everything required as ordered by the PM Meanwhile, opposition parties and leaders are slamming President and the PM to resign and step down on Wednesday only. The country is facing a risky violent agitation primarily after thousands of people mobbed the PM’s office lately on Wednesday.