After testing positive for drug abuse at a rave party in Bengaluru on Sunday night, Shakti Kapoor’s son, Siddhant Kapoor has been detained the state police said on Monday. He is among the 6 others who hav been found of allegedly consuming drugs at the party held at five star hotel at MG road.

“Siddhant Kapoor tested positive for taking drugs in the blood test report. Hence, he has been brought to Ulsoor police station,” the Deputy Commissioner of Police Dr Bheemashankar S Guled told reporters. He added that the 37 year old DJ was brought to Ulsoor Police Station.

It is learnt that the raid was carried out on a tip off recieved. Reportedly, samples of 35 guests for medical tests and six of them including Mr Kapoor’s returned positive.

In 2020, the Narcotics Control Bureau had called Shraddha Kapoor for questioning in a drugs case that had emerged during the investigation into Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case. The actress had reportedly accepted attending Sushant’s ‘Chhichhore’ success party at his Pawana guesthouse but denied all reports of consuming any kinds of drugs.

On the work front, Siddhant was seen in Shootout At Wadala, Haseena Parkar, Jazbaa and crime-thriller web series Bhaukaal.