Mumbai: Anupam Kher made a big revelation about co-actress Mahima Chaudhry in his latest post. The actor revealed that Mahima was undergoing treatment for breast cancer. However, she is cancer-free now. Mahima revealed that during her entire period of treatment her daughter, Aranya Chaudhry did not go to school even after educational institutes opened up.

Mahima Chaudhry, in an interview spoke about her cancer treatment. She said that while people are thinking she was in America for her treatment, she was actually in Mumbai. She further revealed that her daughter avoided going to school for two months so that her mom is not exposed to Covid-19.

She told that, “People didn’t see the video fully, they have just jumped to conclude that I went to America for my treatment. But the fact is that I was very much in Mumbai. I am cancer-free. It got all over about 3 to 4 months back.

The actor said she got know about the diagnosis during her annual health check-up. It was her doctor who suggested that she should consult an oncologist for further examination. The actor said initial tests came negative but when “we did biopsy of entire cells that were removed, we found tiny portion of cells that had become cancerous”.