Apart from being a big Bollywood star, Varun Dhawan also has a kind heart. His fans matter a lot to him, and the actor has proved it this time again. A Twitter user recently tagged Varun and revealed that she and her mother are facing domestic abuse at the hands of her father.

The person shared that her father doesn’t let them eat food. She went on to allege that her father has cheated on her mother and is involved in illegal activities. Well, instead of ignoring this, Varun took note of it and promised help to his fan.

The tweet that Varun Dhawan’s fan wrote read, “Respected Sir, I have been beaten and abused by my father several times. He abuses me and my mother every single day. He, for days doesn’t let me eat food, also threatens us by using curse words and abusive language.”

She further wrote, “My father has been keeping alcohol and drinks illegally in the house and this had been going on for years. He’s had extra marital affairs and has been cheating on my mother.

We once have had complained against him but the police left him after few hours. Varun Dhawan quickly replied, “This is an extremely serious matter and if this is true I will help will u and speak to the authorities”