Bilaspur: A poacher was electrocuted by a trap he had set for cheetal in a forest in Bilaspur district on Saturday night.According to police, four alleged poachers -Roop Singh Gond, Birbal Porte, Janak Nai and Mahipal Maravi – went into a patch of jungle close to Kanai village in Sipat region, around 50km from Bila pur city, to kill cheetal.

They drew a live wire from a nearby electricity pole into a waterbody that herbivores are known to frequent. Police say the four men planned to electrocute as many animals as came to drink from the pond. A cheetal was electrocuted the instant it tried to drink the water.

Roop Singh ran to grab it but didn’t realise that current was flowing through the carcass. He was electrocuted as soon as he touched the cheetal. Shocked by his death,his friends ran away. Early next morning, a villager passing by saw Roop lying dead next to the carcass and informed police.

During investigation, police found that several poachers were active in the region and this group of four would frequently enter the forest. Police tracked down the other three and arrested them. They are being interrogated.

Officials said that similar cases of wild animal l electrocution had been reported in Ratanpur, Khondra, Belgahna forests. Many domestic animals have died in such electric traps.