Sukma: Two Naxals carrying a collective bounty of Rs 3 lakh surrendered on Friday, police officials said. Identified as Madkam Jitendra alias Sanna and Gadpa Nagesh were reportedly involved in several incidents police added.

The duo’s surrender in Sukma was confirmed by SP Sunil Sharma. Madkam was the Maoists’ Military Platoon No-30 member under the Kerlapal Area Committee of the outlawed Maoist movement and carried a reward of Rs 2 lakh on his head, the SP said.

Gadpa- headed the Danadakaranya Adivasi Kisan Mazdoor Sangthan, Bodkel Panchayat and carried a reward of Rs 1 lakh.

Disappointment with hollow Maoist ideologies was cited as the reason to revert. The surrendered Naxals under the district police’s rehabilitation drive- Purna Narkom will be given financial assistance and guidance to return to normalcy.