After receiving a good opening at the ticket counters (Rs 6.50 crore), Tiger Shroff-led Heropanti 2 has witnessed a major dip in its collection on its first Monday. As per reports, the film managed to earn Rs 1.10 crore on Monday, which is 72.5 per cent lower than its Sunday collection (Rs 4 crore). Ajay Devgn helmed Runway 34, which was released on the same day as Heropanti 2, did slightly better. It earned Rs 2.25 crore on its first Monday.

Both, Runway 34 and Heropanti 2 are facing tough competition from Yash’s KGF Chapter 2 which is now in its third week, yet is showing no signs of slowing down even in the Hindi belt. On Monday, the film earned Rs 3.75 crore, higher than both Runway 34 and Heropanti 2. With this, the film’s total collection (Hindi) now stands at Rs 373.33 crore.

KGF 2 might soon cross the lifetime collection of Aamir Khan’s Dangal which earned Rs 387.38 crore. But, surpassing the lifetime collection of the Hindi version of Baahubali: The Conclusion (Rs 510.99 cr) seems a bit challenging. With the Eid holiday on Tuesday, it remains to be seen if both the Hindi releases, Runway 34 and Heropanti 2, will witness a slightly better footfall than Monday or will they once again suffer from the mayhem of KFG: Chapter 2.