Mumbai: Delhi Capitals’ physio Patrick Farhart has tested positive for COVID-19, the Indian Premier League said on Friday. “Delhi Capitals physio Patrick Farhart has been tested positive for COVID-19. He is being closely monitored by the DC Medical Team at the moment,” the official IPL release said. Sources close to the development said that the players are awaiting their test results.

The team was supposed to go for practice at 5 pm today, but the players have been asked to stay in the hotel for now. Delhi Capitals’ next match is on Saturday against Royal Challengers Bangalore. With cases gradually rising, the COVID threat has increased during the two-month-long IPL. Last year, the tournament had to be suspended at the peak of the second wave in May and was later completed in the UAE.

The BCCI is staging the premier T20 event in four stadiums across Maharashtra to minimize the Covid-19 threat. However, the play-offs are expected to be played outside the state. The league games are being held in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Pune.

 Delhi Capitals have played 4 matches so far and have won two of those and are currently in the 7th spot in the 10-team league. Farhart also served as the lead physiotherapist of the Indian men’s cricket team from August 2015 to July 2019. He left the role after the end of India’s campaign at the 2019 ICC World Cup.