Bengaluru: Six schools in Bengaluru received bomb threats said, City Police commissioner Kamal Pant on Friday afternoon after being informed by school authorities. Reportedly, seven schools received the threats through an email following which panic took over and the police teams began conducting searches and detailed investigations to determine whether it was a hoax.

The copy of the email which our team could extract read- “A very powerful bomb has been planted in your school, attention is not a joke, this is not a joke, a very powerful bomb has been planted in your school, immediately call the police and sappers, hundreds of lives may suffer, including yours, do not delay, now everything is only in your hands!”

The six schools – Delhi Public School (DPS) Bangalore East, Gopalan International, New Academy School, St Vincent Paul School, Indian Public School and Ebenezer International School in Bengaluru Rural limits – received emails with the same content between 10.15 am and 11 am through different email IDs

DCP (East Zone) Bheemashankar Guled said that police officer in the area received calls from two schools about the incident – the Indian Public School in Govindpura limits and the St Vincent Pallotti school.

All children were immediately evacuated from the school and taken to a safer place as the bomb squad conducted the drill said the senior officer.

Interacting with the media Kamal Pant said, based on the information received through the mail, search is being conducted.. when more information comes it will be shared with you.”