Kyiv: Ukraine President Zelensky angrily warned Moscow of its acts for increasing the hatred for Russia among his people, as they constantly insult the country reducing it to rubble, killing innumerable civilians and driving into shelters, leaving refuges to scrounge for food and water to survive.

The Russian military appears to be trying to encircle Ukrainian forces fighting in the separatist regions in the eastern part of the country, Britain’s Ministry of Defense says. According to Ukrainian officials, Russia is trying to divide the country regions it controls and those it does not, a division that recalled the fate of Germany and Korea after World War II.

The schools in Kyiv opened Monday as informed by Valentyn Mondryivsky, deputy chairman of the Kyiv state administration. “The purpose of distance learning during the war is not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also psychological support, communication, and switching children’s attention- read the press release.

On Sunday, Zelensky gave a 90-minute interview to four prominent Russian Journalists. The episode laid bare the extraordinary, and partly successful, efforts at censorship being undertaken in Russia by President Vladimir V. Putin’s government as his bloody invasion of Ukraine enters its second month, along with Mr Zelensky’s attempts to circumvent that censorship and reach the public directly.

Sources in the know, informed the second round of negotiation talks between delegations from countries at war in Turkey on Monday. Russia and Ukraine failed to make a breakthrough in their first top level talks on March 10th in Antalya. The two sides have been holding regular talks; however, no concrete decision is being taken to cease the assault.

According to the world human rights watchdog, around 1,119 civilians died since the conflict began. Around 1790 have been injured in the course of the attack. Most of the civilians’ causalities were recorded by explosive weapons impacting a wide area, including shelling from heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems, missiles and airstrikes, it said.