New Delhi: Citing the declining COVID infections, the Home Ministry has revoked provisions of the COVID 19 Management Act. The orders would not be valid after 31st March, officials said.

The order issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs signed by Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla reads- after taking into consideration the overall improvement in the situation and preparedness of the Government to deal with the pandemic, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has taken a decision that there may not be any further need to invoke the provisions of the DM Act for COVID containment measures. Accordingly, after the expiry of the existing Ministry of Home Affairs orders dated February 25, 2022, no further order may be issued by the MHA- the statement further mentioned.

However, there has been no relaxation on the use of face masks, hand hygiene, and social distancing. “I would like to mention that in view of the nature of the disease, we still need to remain watchful of the situation. Wherever any surge in the number of cases is observed, the States/UTS may consider taking prompt and proactive action at the local level, as advised by MOHFW from time to time” tho Home Sec said.

The Centre on March 24, 2020 issued for the first time orders and guidelines under the Disaster Management Act, (DM Act) 2005 for the containment of COVID-19 in the country and these have been modified on various occasions as the virus mutated rapidly.