Ayodhya: A seven year old girl was allegedly raped in Uttar Pradesh Ayodhya, police said. According to source, the girl who was playing hide and seek on Wednesday evening went missing.The accused was arrested within hours, police officials added.

The family on searching the girl found her abandoned at 9:30 pm, drenched in blood. She was soon rushed to the hospital where it was learnt that she was raped. The kin immediately lodged a complaint at the nearest police station. The police report to have found the accused by extracting footage from CCTV cameras and local intelligence.

The accused is identified as Rajan Manjhi, a laborer. Reportedly, the accused on seeing the girl alone lured her to a secluded spot and raped her following which he fled leaving the minor in the terrible condition.

The accused has been arrested and charged under POSCO said SP, Ayodhya Shailesh Pandey. The girl is currently being treated at a private hospital in Lucknow, under the scrutinization of District Administration Ayodhya sources said.