The tally of Coronavirus cases in India has crossed 28000-mark, with the most number of COVID-19 positive cases being reported from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Delhi, Rajashtan, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh among other states and  Total no. of cured people count rose to 6361 with Recovery rate of 22.17% said Joint secretary Luv agarwal.

At the government’s daily press briefing on the coronavirus situation in the country Union Health Ministry’s Joint Secretary Luv Agarwal further added that the Stigma which spreads all over the county should be addressed through an intensive campaign. We’ve to understand that there is no risk of transmission from recovered patients. They, in fact, can be a potential source of healing for antibodies using plasma therapy.We should avoid spreading misinformation and panic. No community or area should be labelled for #COVID19 spread. In particular, healthcare and sanitary workers or police should not be targeted as they are there to help you.

Agarwal also added that 16 districts in the country which earlier had cases have not reported any fresh cases since last 28 days.And three more new districts which got added to this list are — Gondia in Maharashtra, Devangere in Karnataka & Lakhi Sarai in Bihar. Apart from that 85 districts have not reported any new cases in the last 14 days.

Interestingly, the World Health Organisation has said that there was no evidence to prove that cured people couldn’t be a source of second infection. In a scientific brief published by the global health body on April 25, it stated there was no evidence whatsoever that “people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection.”

Addressing the press conference before Agarwal, Union Home Ministry’s representative Punya Salil Srivastava stated that 80 percent of the wheat in country’s fields had been harvested till date, and 80 per cent of the mandis (wholesale markets) were in operation. She reassured that rural workers were getting back to work due to employment opportunities created by schemes such as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).