Hague: How many more deaths are needed for you to secure our sky, said Zelensky in a two day hearing a International Court of Justice (ICJ) HQ, the Peace Palace.

The hearing which was mulled by Russians, is going over the facts of the case and Ukraine’s application seeking immediate suspension of the military action being carried out by Russia. Speaking in the ICJ, the agent for Ukraine alleged that Russia falsified a claim of genocide in the Donbas region of Ukraine and then used that falsified claim to justify their military aggression all over Ukraine.

Zelensky further added that nearly 2 million people fled Ukraine fearing death due to the invasion. “Over 1 million people are internally displaced and almost 4 million people are expected to flee if the current crisis continues, said agent re-iterating the presidents perception.

Meanwhile, a delegation from Russia left to Belarus to hold the third round of negotiations that would begin at 7:30 GMT. It is also learnt that Ukraine rejected Moscow proposed corridors to Belarus. It traduced the plan for humanitarian corridor by Russia as an ‘unethical stunt’. As per sources, the corridor from Kyiv would lead to Belarus, while civilians from Kharkiv would be permitted to go only to Russia. Russia also said it would begin airlifts to take Ukrainians from Kyiv to Russia.

According to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine, 999 armoured vehicles of different types, 46 aircraft, 68 helicopters, 290 tanks, 117 artillery pieces and 50 MLRS were hit during the combat. Furthermore, the destroyed facilities also include 60 cisterns, 454 vehicles, 3 vessels, 7 UAVs and 23 Russian anti-aircraft warfare systems