Kyiv: Moscow on the 12th day of its alleged ‘special military operation’ has announced to ceasefire in the areas of Kyiv, Mariupol, Kharkov, and Sumy in Ukraine from 10 am Moscow time (12.30 pm IST) to allow for evacuations. This ceasefire, comes after Ukrainians claimed ceasefire violation which was declared to evacuate civilians from the besieged city if Mariupol, Southern Ukraine.

Reports say, Vinnytsia airport was damaged on March 6 after a missile launch. Strong explosions in Mykolaiv and Luhansk were heard it added. Reportedly, an oil depot was ablaze due to the attack launched by Kremlin. According to Ukraine’s Center for Strategic Communications, two civilians were killed in a cruise missile strike on residential buildings in the city of Kramatorsk.

As per ground reports, Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights said that 38 children dead and 71 injured since the first strike 12 days ago. Nearly 1.5 million refugees fled the country as Kremlin escalated its attack .

It’s murder, deliberate murder,” Zelensky raged in an address. “We will not forgive, we will not forget, we will punish everyone who committed atrocities in this war on our land,” he said. “There will be no quiet place on this Earth except the grave, he added”.

Ukraine and Russia are expected to hold the third round of negotiation talks on Monday. Meanwhile, the NATO allies have so far rebuffed Ukraine’s calls for a no-fly zone, with one senior US senator, Marco Rubio, saying Sunday that it could lead to “World War III” against nuclear-armed Russia. President Vladimir Putin has threatened “colossal and catastrophic consequences not only for Europe but also the whole world” if a no-fly zone is imposed