Mumbai: While the third wave of coronavirus wanes in the country, actor Karisma Kapoor found herself at the receiving end of the deadly virus. The revelation was made by Karisma’s sister Kareena while talking to actor Kajol outside Mehboob Studios in Mumbai on Thursday. It all happened when Bebo and Kajol bumped into each other and their mini-reunion was recorded by the paparazzi. They were seen greeting each other and talking about their respective families.

In the video that is going viral on the internet, they talked about Jeh and soon the conversation drifted over to Karisma and how she has been infected with COVID-19. Kajol asked, “What’s happening? How is your new baby?” Kareena, who’s son Jeh turned one on February 21, replied, “Oh god, he’s already a year.” Then their conversation switched to COVID-19. Kajol said she had tested positive earlier as well. This is when Kareena revealed that Karisma is COVID-positive. She said, “Lolo (Karisma’s nickname) just turned positive yesterday.” Kareena then asked Kajol about her COVID-19 battle. To which, Kajol replied, “I’m Covid returned” Kareena then asked about Kajol’s husband Ajay, who has apparently ‘dodged’ the virus. Kajol joked that he was able to dodge it ‘because he’s a smoker.

The two ended their conversation by giving each other a tight hug. Kajol’s cheek kiss to Kareena is surely the best way to conclude their mini-reunion. However, Karisma has not disclosed her diagnosis publically yet. On the work front, Kareena will next be seen in Aamir Khan starrer ‘Laal Singh Chadha.’ While for Kajol, she has started shooting for her film ‘Salaam Venky’.