Mumbai: Boeing 787 carrying 219 stranded Indians from war hit Ukraine touched down Mumbai at 7:15 pm, officials reported. The flight boarded Indian nationals from neighbouring Romania, as the ex-Soviet Union shut down its airspaces after the Russian Army initiated an invasion.

These are our children who are coming back to their homeland. So we as BMC are doing all the preparation for them. If they want to go anywhere, their testing, vaccination, food, anything, we will be bearing their expenses,” said Mumbai Mayor Kishori Pednekar.

The flight ferried Indians who were brought to the Romanian capital Bucharest. The other two Air Indian aircraft that departed from Delhi to Bucharest and Budapest would ferry a few more Indians stuck in the war-hit nation.

The Indian Embassy in Ukraine issued an advisory in the afternoon asking all not to move to any border posts without coordination with its officials. The Indian Embassy on Saturday in the Slovak Republic issued an advisory for Indians in Ukraine desiring to be evacuated via Slovakia.