United Nations: Just after Russian Prez Putin signed a decree in Moscow recognizing the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic as two independent regions in eastern Ukraine. His US counterpart signed an executive order to prohibit trade and investment between US individuals. Putin ordered the deployment of troops to the two individual regions in the province accelerating the fear of an invasion.

President Biden in coalition with his allies has also announced to issue new sanctions against Russia citing the breakaway. The deployment of what Russia called a peacekeeping operation in eastern Ukraine is ‘nonsense’ said the United States during the UN meet on Monday. The consequences of Russia’s actions “will be dire – across Ukraine, across Europe, and across the globe,” US Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, told the emergency meeting of the 15-member council.

The Ukrainian representative cited Putin’s move as a virus and pressed to keep intact the borders of the ex-Soviet Union. Ukraine had called the Security Council to meet after Russia’s recognition of the two breakaway regions on Monday. The eight council members backed Kyiv’s request and convened.

Russia has been deploying magnanimous forces on the borders of the Ex-Soviet Union as it cites to join NATO as per the terms laid. This move by Ukraine would back the nation support from US and its Western allies, which would then threaten the existence of Kremlin. And hence the diplomacy talks from Putin demands dissolution of the terms Ukraine holds.