Average cases in the United States have started to plateau an indication that the Omicron variant’s hold is weakening across the country. According to sources, the daily caseload barely exceeded 100,000 which came as a sharp drop from 800,850 cases reported since January 16th.

COVID-19 hospitalisations are down from a national seven-day average of 146,534 on Jan. 20 to 80,185 the week ending on Feb 13, according to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention COVID data tracker. According to experts, the country is shifting from the pandemic trauma to an endemic chapter that is more consistent and predictable. However, concerns on reduced vaccine uptick in the country and easing of COVID curbs have still been flagged by them.

Earlier on Thursday, the WHO warned nations easing curbs and lifting restrictions. Issuing fresh concerns related to an Omicron Sub Strain, it said, “The virus is evolving and Omicron has several sub-lineages that we are tracking. We have BA.1, BA.1.1, BA.2 and BA.3. It’s really quite incredible how Omicron, the latest variant of concern has overtaken Delta around the world.”

Globally, 418,650,474 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported to the top health body. Nearly, 5,856,224 deaths, deaths have been reported from across the world. So far, the US has recorded 77,521,589 confirmed cases of COVID-19 during the peak of Omicron. As hospitalization scored the mortality rates rose and reported 921,984 deaths in five weeks.