New Delhi: PM Modi on Wednesday delivered the Atmanirbhar Arthvyawastha speech to his fellow BJP workers across the country virtually. His address came a day after the Finance Minister tabled the Union Budget for 2022.

His address began with an appreciation for the efforts put forth by Nirmala Sitharaman who presented the Budget in a timely manner. One of the key elements of the Budget PM spoke was the development of the nation post COVID. “There is a possibility of a new world order post-COVID pandemic. Today, the world’s perspective of looking at India has changed a lot. Now, the world wants to see a stronger India, he said.”

Addressing the progress the nation harnessed over the past seven years, he said, “It is very important for us to make a self-reliant & modern India. This Budget has several important provisions to take India forward in the direction of modernity. India’s economy is expanding continuously due to the decisions taken in the last 7 years.”

According to PM Modi, India in the past seven years has seen an appreciation in the GDP. Laying down the current analytics, he informed that the GDP had grown from 1 lakh 10 crores to 2 Lakh 30,000 crores under his leadership.

The PM also explained that the centre is focused on modernizing Indian agriculture. “ The budget also focused on modernizing Indian agriculture with a focus on organic farming. This will make farming more lucrative. Kisan drones and other machinery will be made available to the farmers at reasonable prices, he quoted.”