Moscow: United States led by the Biden administration has called for the first United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting on Monday. As Russia shows no signs of de-escalation, this will be the first venue at the UN where American officials will speak to their Russian counterparts about what is happening.

The meeting is scheduled to review the situation along the Russia-Ukraine border, US ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas Greenfield said in an official statement.

“Today, after weeks of close consultation with Ukraine and partners on the Security Council, the United States called an open meeting of the Security Council to discuss a matter of crucial importance to international peace and security”, said Thomas-Greenfield.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has described tensions on the continent as reminiscent of the Cold War. He further said that Russia’s main demands were unacceptable not leaving much room for optimism.  

“Based on what our colleagues said yesterday, it’s absolutely clear that on the main categories outlined in those draft documents…. We cannot say that our thoughts have been taken into account or that a willingness has been shown to take our concerns into account, said Mr. Peskov.