Ashok Nagar; Madhya Pradesh: The citizens will pay a penalty of being imprisoned if they take out masks. A strict order came from the Ashok Nagar district collector R Uma Maheshwari after large scale violation of COVID norms was noticed. The district administration ruled that the citizen would be imprisoned if found violating COVID norms specifically, taking off masks.

This decision came in the backdrop of the drastic rise in the active count of infections in the state. Underscoring the open jail system established in the second wave, authorities have decided to re-instate operations at all the establishments in the tehsil headquarters of the districts. The order issued by the collector read- “As the COVID-19 cases are increasing. Keep yourself safe by following the guidelines. Always wear a mask and if you fail to do so, you shall be penalized and imprisoned.”

The state’s active count rose to 43,973 after 4523 added in the past 24 hours.  The death toll stood at 10552 after 5 deaths were reported. Amongst the list of those infected-on Wednesday, were District Immunization officer BS Jamhoria and Dr. Milan Bhagat posted in the district hospital. The third wave has been reporting cases from across all walks of the community, spearheading it towards a community spread.