Indore: In a shocking incident, a woman was allegedly gang-raped and tortured by her husband and 4 of his friends in Madhya Pradesh’s Indore district, police said on Sunday. All the 5 accused have been arrested, they said. The 32-year-old woman claimed that she was brutalised by her husband as he was the prime accused and others who performed unnatural sex and also burnt her private parts with cigarettes. They also threatened to kill her when she resisted the sexual assault, an official said quoting the FIR.

The alleged gang rape occurred at a farmhouse located under the Shipra police station area of Indore between November 2019 and October 2021, the official said. The woman, who hails from Chhattisgarh, got married to the accused, an Indore-based man after meeting him on a matrimonial site. However, the man was already married; the survivor is the third wife of the prime accused, who has 2 children from his previous marriages.

The complainant told the police that she somehow escaped from the farmhouse and travelled to her parent’s home in Chhattisgarh. But one of the accused men followed her there intending to harm her, the official added. 5 men, including the victim’s husband, were booked under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections 376, 377 and 323 and were arrested from various areas of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, he said, adding that further investigation is underway.