New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal said on Monday that his party will announce the chief ministerial candidate for the Punjab assembly elections on Tuesday. The announcement will be made at 12 noon, the Delhi chief minister said. He made the remarks after flagging off Delhi Transport Corporation’s (DTC’s) first electric bus in the national capital.

Kejriwal had last week released a phone number and asked people of Punjab to respond to tell them who they want to see as AAP’s chief ministerial face. At the same press conference, he had said that the party was keen to give the responsibility to Bhagwant Mann, but he himself suggested the idea of asking for people’s choice. On Sunday, AAP MLA Harpal Singh Cheema said that the party received around 15 lakh responses on its “Janta Chunegi Apna CM” drive.

The enthusiasm shown by the people of the state is a testament that this time, the AAP will most definitely form the government in Punjab and that too, with a clear majority, Cheema said. AAP, meanwhile, released its 10th list of candidates for the Punjab assembly elections. Voting for Punjab’s 117 assembly seats will be held in a single phase on February 20th. The results will be declared on March 10th.