Ghazipur: A major security alert has been sounded off in Delhi after an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) was recovered from one of the busiest flower market, Ghazipur today afternoon. Police and the bomb disposal squad rushed to the flower market in East Delhi after the recovery of an unattended bag, triggering panic ahead of Republic Day.

“Based on the information received, an IED has been recovered”, said Delhi Commissioner of Police, Rakesh Asthana. He confirmed that the bag was recovered at 1:40 PM and contained an IED which has been successfully diffused by the Bomb Disposal Squad.

Locals also confirmed that an earthmover was used to dig a hole in the ground from where the IED was recovered. Later the hole was covered as the National Security Guard (NSG) carried out a controlled blast of the IED. The entire area has been cordoned off as the Special Cell sleuths are inspecting the pavement outside the gate of the flower market where the IED bag was kept. Delhi Police confirmed that a case has been registered and Sniffer dogs have been brought to the place as cops are further investigating.