Mumbai: Legendary actor Irrfan Khan’s untimely demise in 2020 left us all in tears. He has not just redefined acting since his first film but has always managed to leave his fans amazed by his dedication and realness oozing out through his characters on the big screen. The versatile actor had worked in Hindi cinema as well as in British and American films. Irrfan Khan made his film debut in the movie ‘Salaam Bombay!’ in 1988. He carved a niche for himself by delivering performances that were not just a breath of fresh air but the kind of roles he took up always managed to prove his acting mettle.

In his career spanned over 30 years, Irrfan Khan was honoured with a National Film Award, an Asian Film Award, and six Filmfare Awards. In 2011, Irrfan was awarded the Padma Shri. Just when we thought that we want to see more of him on the big screen, the news of Irrfan’s shocking death has left his fans in despair. Irrfan Khan took his last breath on April 29th, 2020 at the age of 53 in Kokilaben hospital in Mumbai where he was admitted after suffering from a colon infection. He is survived by his wife Sutapa Sikdar and two sons Babil Khan and Ayan Khan.

Let’s take a look at some of his best films of all time and remember him fondly:

1. Paan Singh Tomar is a biography of a dacoit who once represented India in the Asian Games. Irrfan’s performance left everyone stunned he played the role of an athlete who resorts to arms to exact revenge from the corrupt system and its structures.

2. Piku It won’t be an overstatement to say that Piku is both Irrfan Khan and Deepika Padukone’s most memorable film. Irrfan played the character of Rana Chaudhary, an impatient yet resourceful businessman, who brings respite and stability to the protagonist’s life.

3. The Lunchbox The Lunchbox excellently portrays the sheer quality of Irrfan’s acting prowess. The film is an exception. It depicts an unusual epistolary friendship between a widower and a housewife through the means of a stainless steel ‘lunchbox’.